Course content

  • Introduction to the HypnoBirthing Philosophy
  • The physiology of labour and birth
  • Why and how you can have an easier more comfortable birth
  • How your body is designed to give birth
  • How to assist, not resist, your natural birthing instincts
  • How hypnosis and the subconscious mind works
  • How deep relaxation helps birth preparation and the birth process
  • Deepening your relaxation
  • Breathing techniques for labour and birthing
  • Bonding with your baby before your baby is born
  • A role for your partner
  • Light touch massage to release endorphins
  • Pregnancy exercises and toning
  • Avoiding induction and achieving a natural start to labour
  • Releasing fear, negative emotions and limiting thoughts
  • Birth plans and preferences
  • Birth positions
  • Helping your baby get into a good position for birth
  • Watching gentle birth films; Hypnobirths and other calm births


Course includes

  • A copy of the Hypnobirthing book by Katharine Graves
  • Relaxation & Birthing Affirmations mp3’s
  • Course Handouts
  • Refreshments (tea, fruit and nice biscuits!)
  • Watching inspiring Hypnobirthing and other birth stories
book still life